Bushfire Rated Fixed Window



If the past few years are anything to go by, it’s safe to say that the Australian climate is extremely unpredictable. As such, the devastating consequences of bushfires have unfortunately become all-too-familiar for Australians everywhere in the last decade.

With the Bureau of Meteorology officially declaring an El Niño Alert across the country – now is time to take proactive measures against bushfires, and to safeguard your home as much as possible. Read on to learn the crucial rule your windows and doors play in protecting your home against the elements.


Despite facing catastrophic floods throughout 2022, we must not forget that the Australian climate can become dangerously hot, dry, and drought-prone in the blink of an eye.

All Australian windows and doors must therefore be designed and manufactured in strict accordance with national standards, namely the AS3959 – which aims to reduce the risk of loss of life and property in bushfire-prone areas.

According to AS3959, if you build or renovate a home in said areas, it must meet specific bushfire ratings in terms of design, construction, and materials. By achieving this standard, your home will have a higher chance of making it through a bushfire unscathed


Bushfire Attack Levels (BAL) Codes, as per the AS3959, detail the risk for homes in different areas, and the product requirements for each level.

These six codes range from BAL-LOW, indicating very low risk, through to BAL-FZ – which specifies an extremely high risk of ember attack, airborne burning debris, radiant heat exposure, and direct flame exposure.

Homes of BAL-12.5 or above must take additional steps with their window and door selections, in order to comply with said guidelines. Such requirements include detailed information in regards to frame, glazing, screens, seals, and hardware. For homes located in a BAL-LOW area, no specific construction requirements are needed in order to be compliant.


At Bradnam’s, it’s an utmost priority of ours to ensure the safety of our customers nationwide. To help meet the AS3959 requirements, we meticulously engineered the FlameShield range to comply with BAL-12.5, BAL-19, BAL-29, and BAL-40 guidelines in the following products:

With the vast majority of these selections meeting the BAL-40 requirements, you can rest easy knowing that your windows and doors are actively working to protect your home and property against burning embers and airborne debris caused by bushfires.


Although other efforts and frequent maintenance will need to be taken in order to defend your home as much as possible, ensuring that your windows and doors are up to par is a crucial first step.

If you’re building or renovating a home, it’s essential that you read up on the Bushfire Attack Level of your area. With what will likely be a very dry Summer just around the corner, now is the time to secure your FlameShield windows and doors from your local Bradnam’s location.

Contact us today to get started.

energy efficient sliding doors

Selecting Windows & Doors

Product Selection Guideline

The perfect windows and doors can lift a space from ordinary, to extraordinary. But choosing the right ones for your home or project can be a challenge – especially if you’re new to the process. That’s why we’ve put together this selection guideline.

Written as a simple, easy-to-understand reference, this guide will help you better understand your requirements, ask the right questions, and find the best windows and doors for your project, including external sliding doors.

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Commercial Hinged Door with self closing mechanism


Clever design ideas can turn your bricks and mortar into a stylish, functional and relaxed home. Thinking outside the box with these fresh design ideas means you’ll enjoy your home, in all four seasons, for many years to come


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This blog provides an introduction to the issue of bushfire defence for your home, and does not offer comprehensive advice. The information contained in this article is general in nature, and does not take your particular circumstances into account. To learn more about bushfire risks, ratings, and defence, consult the relevant government and emergency services websites.