
Aluminium Windows and Doors vs Timber and uPVC – Which Is the Best for Me?

As Australia’s leading window and door company, many of our customers come to us with a key question in mind – is aluminium the best choice for framing? With several other options out there, including both uPVC and Timber, it’s important to ensure that you’re choosing the best options for your unique needs. The short answer to their question, of course, is yes. Why so? Read on to learn how uPVC and Timber Windows and Doors often fail to measure up to Aluminium ones.

uPVC Windows and Doors

Often the more cost-effective solution when compared to Timber, uPVC Windows and Doors offer both affordability and energy efficiency. These windows are crafted from unplasticised polyvinyl chloride, which offers great thermal insulation, as well as easy installation and maintenance.

Whilst they may be an easy option to reach for, uPVC frames are simply not as robust as aluminium ones, which limits both structural performance and design capabilities. Alongside these challenges, these windows and doors have limited aesthetic appeal, with fewer colour and finishing options that may not meet the expectations of your architectural style.

Timber Windows and Doors

Timber Windows and Doors offer a natural and classic charm that is sought after by many Australian homeowners, builders, and architects alike. Customisable through painting and staining, this selection offers a traditional aesthetic that enhances the character of many heritage homes.

While Timber windows and doors are desired mainly for their aesthetic appeal, the upkeep is frequently overlooked. Quality wood is both difficult and expensive to come by, and once installed, will demand frequent maintenance and careful upkeep to prevent decay and ensure longevity.

Aluminium Windows and Doors

The holy grail of Window and Door frames in Australia – Aluminium frames are highly sought after for their low-maintenance, versatile, and customisable nature.

Where uPVC falls short in durability, Aluminium excels thanks to its robust strength and resistance to harsh weather conditions. With the aesthetic appeal of Timber often coming with a hefty price tag and intense maintenance, a well-crafted window or door will shine with its unparalleled strength, durability, and sleek design.

While some may question their energy efficiency, double glazed and thermal breaking is an easy and effective solution that instantly improves the home’s thermal insulation and performance. Aluminium windows and doors also offer endless options for customisation and style. At Bradnam’s, we offer premium Powder Coating solutions with endless colour and finishing options available for your home’s unique design needs.

The Winner?

When weighing up the potential options, there’s a standout. Beating uPVC in durability and Timber in maintenance, Aluminium windows and doors are truly worth the investment with their superiority in long-term value.

Seeking a low-maintenance, visually stunning, and durable option for your windowsand doors. Get in touch with your local Bradnam’s Team to learn more about our high-quality and stylish aluminium frames.

energy efficient sliding doors

Selecting Windows & Doors

Product Selection Guideline

The perfect windows and doors can lift a space from ordinary, to extraordinary. But choosing the right ones for your home or project can be a challenge – especially if you’re new to the process. That’s why we’ve put together this selection guideline.

Written as a simple, easy-to-understand reference, this guide will help you better understand your requirements, ask the right questions, and find the best windows and doors for your project, including external sliding doors.

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Commercial Hinged Door with self closing mechanism


Clever design ideas can turn your bricks and mortar into a stylish, functional and relaxed home. Thinking outside the box with these fresh design ideas means you’ll enjoy your home, in all four seasons, for many years to come


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Product availability, pricing, features, options, sizes, configurations and performance are subject to regional variations, design requirements, and building codes. Images are for illustration purposes only and may not accurately represent the product. Bradnam’s Windows & Doors reserves the right to change, alter or delete any aspect of our products without notice. We recommend visiting a Bradnam’s showroom before ordering to view colour swatches, glass samples and actual products.