Black Frame Fixed Windows and Louvre Windows provide a view of swimming pool
Comdain Homes

Product Care

Learn how to keep your Bradnam’s products in good condition, and functioning accordingly with these care and adjustment tips.


  • Use water and a soft, non-abrasive cloth to clean the frame and VJ panels.
  • Adding non-abrasive, pH neutral detergent solution to the water may be helpful in some situations.
  • Make sure that the surfaces are thoroughly rinsed after cleaning to remove all detergent residues.
  • Remove any excess water.

Stubborn Stains

  • Use white spirits for stubborn stains on powder-coated articles.
  • Clean gently in the shade and during cooler temperatures
  • Before using white spirits, test a non-visible area before using bright or dee colours.


  • Do not under any circumstances use strong solvents such as thinners or solutions containing chlorinated hydrocarbons, esters, or ketones.
  • Abrasive cleaners or cutting compounds should not be used.

Recommended Maintenance Intervals

Mild Environment

A mild environment refers to areas far from the coast, industrial activity, and the tropics. It includes sparsely settled regions, such as outback Australia, and rural communities not located on the coast. Clean every 12 months.

Moderate Environment

A moderate environment includes areas affected by light industrial pollution, very light marine influence, or both. Such areas are usually the suburbs of cities located on sheltered bays like Melbourne, Adelaide and Hobart (except the coastal regions) and most inland cities. Clean every 12 months.


The tropical environment encompasses the coastal areas of North Queensland, Northern Territory, and North-West Western Australia, except where they are directly exposed to salt spray. The tropical environment is characterised by:

  • High rainfall, with an average of more than 1200mm annually.
  • High humidity levels throughout the year range from 65% to 100%.
  • Absence of industrial pollution.

Clean every 6 months.


A marine environment is a region that is moderately affected by coastal salts. The location of these areas can vary significantly, depending on factors such as wind, topography, and vegetation. This environment generally starts around 200m from the coast and extends 5km inland. Clean every 3 months.


An industrial environment refers to the areas surrounding industrial complexes located inland, away from the sea. Clean every 3 months.




  • Do not wash glass when it is fully exposed to the sun.
  • Avoid washing glass when it is too cold or hot.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and instructions when using cleaning solutions and solvents.
  • Do not use cleaning products that are highly acidic, alkaline, or contain hydrofluoric acid or fluorine derivatives.
  • Before cleaning, make sure to remove any jewellery and watches, and be sure to wear gloves.

Routine Cleaning

  • Using clean water, with or without mild soap or detergent, is usually sufficient for cleaning ordinary glass.
  • In some instances, a glass cleaning solutions may be of some benefit.
  • Make sure to use only clean cloths, sponges, or squeegees free of grit.
  • Do not use scourers or other abrasive cleaning tools.
  • When using a glass cleaning solutions, ensure the surfaces are rinsed well to remove any residue.
  • Make sure to remove excess water.
  • Clean glass 3-4 times a year.
  • Shower screen glass requires weekly cleaning to remove soap stains. These stains can slowly etch the glass, damaging it permanently.

Special Cleaning

  • Remove oily spots, fingerprints, silicone stains, and other organice residues using solvents like isopropyl alcohol or acetone with a soft, clean cloth. Be sure to rinse the glass thoroughly afterwards.
  • Paint spots can be removed using a gem blade or scraper, and a glass cleaner. Care should be taken to avoid damaging or scratching the glass.


Low-E glass is an energy-efficient glass with a unique, durable, virtually invisible metallic coating that provides improved solar control and thermal insulation. Extra care should be taken when cleaning the coated surface.

Routine Cleaning for Coated Surface

The recommended cleaning procedures for ordinary glass (excluding using a gem blade, scraper or squeegee) are suitable for routine cleaning of the coated surface. Avoid using any chemicals that could harm the surface and cause irreversible damage.

Special Cleaning for Coated Surface

When routine cleaning methods are insufficient to remove deposits left on the coated surface by a metallic object, alternative steps can be taken.

  • Mix a solution of 1% hydrochloric acid and 99% clean water.
  • Soak a clean cloth in warm water and add a small amount of the cleaning solution.
  • Alternatively, use a cotton bud to clean thin marks.
  • Gently rub the cloth or cotton bud on the area that requires specialised cleaning.
  • Afterward, wipe the area clean using a dry cloth.

Uncoated Surface

The recommended cleaning procedures for ordinary glass are suitable for the uncoated surface of low-e glass.


In most cases, acid etched glass can be washed with plenty of clean water and a soft sponge or glass cleaner. The following points should also be adhered to;

  • Avoid using harsh cleaning materials such as razor blades, steel wool, or abrasive materials, as these can damage the glass.
  • Always clean the entire surface of the acid etched glass, even if only one small area is dirty. Spot cleaning is not recommended, as it may create halos on the glass.
  • After cleaning, rinse the glass with clean water and wipe it down with a soft, lint-free cotton cloth. If any stains remain, repeat the cleaning process.
  • Never attempt to remove impurities using a dry and/or dirty cloth, as this can lead to scratches by rubbing impurities against the glass.
  • Be cautious not to apply excessive pressure during cleaning, as this can damage the surface of the acid etched glass by polishing it too much.
  • You can use a high-pressure cleaning device with water heated to at least 30°C for heavily soiled surfaces.
  • Always use standard glass cleaners that contain alcohol when cleaning acid etched glass.
  • Do not use products that contain hydrofluoric acid, fluorine, chlorine or ammonia derivatives, as these can damage the surface of the glass.
  • Avoid using acidic or alkaline cleaning products as they can wear away the glass surface.


  • Regular maintenance is required on all hardware such as handles, locks, hinges, catches, closers and the like.
  • Use water and a soft, non-abrasive cloth to clean the exterior surface.
  • Apply a light spray of lubricat (WD40, RP7 or similar) to keep hardware in good working condition.
  • Check screws on hinges and fixings to ensure they have not become loose.


  • Remove excess dirt or grit from window, door or wardrobe door track by vacuuming or brushing.
  • Ensure drain holes for window and door tracks are not obstructed.
  • Wipe the track with water and a soft, non-abrasive cloth.
  • Clean tracks 3-4 times a year.

Window & Door Roller

  • Remove the sliding panel from the window or door.
  • Remove the roller from the sliding panel.
  • Visit Bradnam’s YouTube channel for instructions on correctly removing a sliding panel and roller.
  • Use water and a soft, non-abrasive cloth to clean the roller.
  • Clean rollers 3-4 times a year.

Insect & Safety Screen Mesh

  • Remove the screen from the window or door.
  • Visit Bradnam’s YouTube channel for instructions on correctly removing and replacing an insect or safety screen.
  • Hose the mesh down thoroughly.
  • Clean the mesh with a soft nylon brush, mild detergent and a bucket of water.
  • Rinse the mesh thoroughly.
  • Allow the screen to dry before returning it to the window or door.
  • Clean insect and safety mesh 3-4 times a year.

Stainless View™ & Ali View™ Screens

  • Hose the screen to remove salt, dirt and dust from the screen. Use mains water, not bore or tank water. If you’re using a water blaster, use the car attachment or stand back at least 1 metre away.
  • Wash the screen with a soft cloth and a regular car wash and wax product. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Thoroughly rinsed the screen with clean water.
  • Remove any excess water.
  • Do not use vinegar, dishwasher detergent, cream cleansers, harsh chemicals, broom or brush to wash and clean the screen.

Hot and Humid Tropical Climates

  • Hose the screen to remove salt, dirt and dust from the screen. Use mains water, not bore or tank water. Do not use a water blaster.
  • Wash the screen with a soft cloth and a regular car wash and wax product. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Spray both sides of the screen with a mould-removal agent ( Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Do not use vinegar, dishwasher detergent, cream cleansers, harsh chemicals, broom or brush to wash and clean the screen.

Recommended Maintenance Intervals


More than 10km from a saltwater coastline. Clean screens every 3-6 months.


Between 5km to 10km from a saltwater coastline. Clean screens every 2-3 months


Between 1km to 5km from a saltwater coastline. Clean screens every 2-4 weeks

Severe Marine

Between 500m to 1km from a saltwater coastline. And/or within 5km of a new property development site. Clean screens every 1-2 weeks.


Under 500m from a saltwater coastline. Or up to 2km where the property is located on an escarpment and the prevailing wind will carry air up and through this landscape. Clean screens weekly.

Note: Ali View screens are not covered by warranty in extreme environments.

Rectification for Fungus Growth

It has been established in hot and humid areas that a filamentous fungus may develop from spores. It results in the spores getting trapped in the screen. The species of fungal growth that may develop will trap iron ore particles within the mesh. They display over time as brown ‘rust spots’ or white blotches.

To restore the screen, follow these recommended instructions.

  1. Apply a mould-removal agent ( on both sides of the screen mesh. Follow the instructions on the manufacturer’s website.
  2. Leave the agent on the mesh for at least a week.
  3. Apply the mould-removal agent again. This step will kill the fungus and any spores. It can take 6-12 months for the fungi to break down and fall off.
  4. After 4 weeks, apply CommandeX Protect ( Follow the instructions on the bottle.
  5. Repeat the above steps after 6 months, then every 6 months thereafter.

Bradnam’s Windows & Doors warranty is subject to our products being maintained according to these maintenance recommendations and has not been subject to neglect.